Monday, November 30, 2009


I went looking for makeup yesterday. I don't wear a whole lot of it, but as I get older...YIKES..I'm needing it more and more. The sales lady was looking at my face as if she was trying to memorize every crack and crevice. Then the conversation started to flow:

Her: "So "people" with thin lips shouldn't wear dark lipsick." Apparently I have thin lips.
Me: "OK"
Her: "Did you want to cover up those freckles?" Apparently I should.
Me: "I guess. Sure."
Her: "Good!" Apparently she likes my decision and hates my freckles.

She continued talking about her "beauty" secrets in a "I'm saving the world by telling you these things" kind of way; like if I didn't absorb these tips and employ them as my own, I would look like an ugly frog in the near future. I wanted to croak on her at that point, but instead I gathered my "not too pink for my face according to make up lady" blush, shimmering eye shadow and creamy mousse foundation that wont age my dehydrated face any further, and scrammed out of the place!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks, Thanks and More Thanks

LESSON OF THE DAY: There's a million little things to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I spent the day eating (0f course), but also generating reasons for why I am thankful. In general, they were silly but I realized that every five seconds I was thankful for something else! It was almost like thinking of Facebook status updates throughout the day. My mind must be in the habit of a constant flowing internal commentary on everything that I am thinking and doing. And today it was a constant flowing internal commentary of what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for OnStar because without them, I'd be hitchhiking a few times a week. I am so distracted throughout the day (due to my constant flowing internal commentary of course) that I lock my keys in the car quite often. I used to have to call the husband, which didnt go over well from the beginning of the bad habit, and could have led to him leaving me where I was stranded by the end, but then OnStar came along and saved me and my marriage. Now I just call the number on my window, talk to the nice British lady who answers the phone, give her my 4 letter password, and VIOLA', the door unlocks. Genuis!

Here's another interesting one that popped into my head today as I walked around my kitchen. I am thankful for having a robe with a pocket because it allows me to carry my Iphone around when I wear it. Very handy, but what I dumb thought. Only I know where it comes from because I am slightly obsessed with my lovely Iphone.

My husband is not a cook at all, although he told me today that his "inner cook" is dying to come out. Come out, come out! I'd love to see it a few times a week! The kids can ask him what's for dinner and complain that they are STARVING as soon as 4PM hits. So today I was very thankful that he decided to carry on his 1 year tradition of making us Thanksgiving breakfast. Well, now a two year tradition. He actually put out a nice meal with some coaching from me and assistance locating various utensils that were unnecessary really; a whisk for the eggs (use a fork), a spatula to stir the fruit (use a spoon), but whatever, I think using them made his "inner cook" feel really cool. I was very thankful for this break from cooking and the serious laugh that came with it. He made us rate the food from 1-10 in three categories: Food Temperature (he knows I like my food super hot, just slightly cooler than what will scald your mouth), Food Appearance (yes, honey, the eggs were really yellow, but was that your doing or the chicken's) and the last category was Food Taste. And it tasted good, but more important, he made it with lots of love and to start a special day for us. And he even cleaned up!

Now I'm just really thankful for Tums because I ate so much I might pop.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Vow to Procrastinate

THE VOW OF THE DAY: Make sure when you are trying not to procrastinate, you aren't actually procrastinating!!

Today I vow to write in this blog at least three times a week. It's not that I don't like writing in my blog, in fact, I do. I have been so busy lately that I avoid things that I like to do because it feels "wrong" to do things I like if I have other things to do that I don't like. Does that make any sense? Almost like I am trying to keep myself from procrastinating while actually procrastinating! So enough procrastinating and on with the writing!!