Sunday, July 19, 2009

Did You Brush Your Teeth Yet?

LESSON OF THE DAY: You may have to repeat yourself several thousand times before people hear you.

I feel like I ask this question all the time so I wanted to figure out how many times I actually say it. Four kids, twice a day=8X each day. That's 56X a week and 224X a month and 2,688X a year. That's mind blowing, isnt it? I repeat myself two thousand six hundred and eighty eight times every year with that question alone. It's quite possible that those are the words I've said the most as a mother, if you think about it. Up for close seconds are "Say thank you," "Clean up your room," "Make your bed," "Get your fingers out of your nose," "Stop fighting" and "Please flush the toilet."
PS. One good way to get your child to allow you to help them brush their teeth is as you brush, talk about all the food you see in there; "I see apples," "I'm getting the chicken out now," or make up silly food. Also, you tell them you see friends in there and have to pull them out; like "Oh, there's Mary, I see Michael." Etc.

The Old Woman in the Shoe

LESSON OF THE DAY: Dont have so many kids that you don't know what to do.

It's not like we're Jon & Kate Plus 8 or Octomom who has kids swarming all over her house. But the question, "How many kids do I have again?" is one I ask myself everytime I am leaving somewhere and I know I brought kids with me. I know someday I will leave sans kid. I'll get in the car, get out of the lot, or maybe even get all the way home, but at some point I will drift back into reality and realize my kid is wandering the soccer field without me. It's inevitable. I bet it's a fear of many mothers....well, at least moms with lots of kids but not enough brain cells left. Has this ever happened to anyone?

Here Comes the Stamm-pede!

If the Stamm kids were animals, this is what they'd look like. Wherever they go, it seems like a huge puff of dust is left behind them. They're loud. You can hear them coming from a mile away. They plow over anything in their path.

This blog is dedicated to my beloved herd of Buffalo. This is their story.